Cool Tools For Your Landscape And Trees

The world of landscaping tools is vast—you could fill your garage with different types of shovels alone. As the weather warms up and it's finally time to work outside again, you’ll want to be ready with new tools that will let you kill weeds, keep your wheelbarrow organized and water your lawn efficiently. With the right tools you can avoid strained back muscles, scratched hands and other backyard nuisances. Our guide breaks downthe must haves for the 2017:

1.     Lawn Mower: The most obvious yet most important piece of equipment to own. Depending on the size and terrain of your yard will determine the type of mower you’ll need—push, self-propelled, riding, standing, etc.

2.     Weed Whacker: You may have the best mower but for those hard to reach places that the lawn mower just can’t get to, a weed whacker can do the job.

3.     Wheelbarrow: To transport dirt, rocks, mulch and just about anything else you can think of—this is the best and most efficient tool that your back will be thanking you later for.

4.     Gloves: While pulling weeds and brush, gloves are a must to protect your hands from becoming a complete disaster.

5.     Hose/Sprinkler: Most homes come with a hose, however, if you own a larger yard, a sprinkler is essential.

6.     Garden Rake: To evenly distribute the dirt.

7.     Trowel: A small garden hoe used to loosen the soil and help weed your garden. Regardless the size your garden, this tool is an essential.

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8.     Leaf Rake: For those pesky leaves and other debris from bushes, trees, etc.

9.     Gardening Shears: From cutting fresh flowers to pruning trees and shrubs a good pair of   shears will last a lifetime.

10.    Garden Spade: To help dig, loosen dirt and break up the lumps in your garden.

11.     Gardening Fork: To loosen, lift and turn over the soil. It is often used in conjunction with the spade.

12.    Gardening Hoe: To loosen the soil and help weed your garden.

13.    Ladder: For all of those hard to reach places like gutters and high trees, a ladder comes in handy. 

It cannot be overstated the value and enjoyment of a well-designed set of gardening tools. Not only can they keep you from hurting yourself, but a well-made tool feels almost like an extension of your body, allowing you to focus on the task at hand and lose yourself in the enjoyment of caring for your plants.

Are there any tools we missed?  What are your outdoor tool essentials?  Let us know in the comments below.